The Paper Marriage Read online

Page 23

  “Don’t stop now, please,” she urged. Between them they had managed to get her drawers down around her knees, her gown up around her waist, his trousers and shirt unbuttoned. It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do. “It was the chicken,” she gasped. “That and wondering what I’d done wrong. Lift your bottom and let me get your pants off.”

  “And dust me down with cornstarch?” he growled, laughter threading through the sexual tension.

  They laughed together later, too. Having exhausted each other with passion, they lay replete, savoring the sweetness of knowing there was a lifetime of such passion before them.

  “There’s a demand for inlet pilots, too. Pays some better than magistrate.”

  “You love the Black Swan,” she reminded him.

  “I do. But not without you, Rose.”

  “Do you think Annie would grow up to be like Bess if we raise her aboard the Swan?”

  “God, I hope not. One Bess is all I can deal with.”

  “Bess is…different, but she grows on you, once you understand the way her mind works. If it hadn’t been for Bess, we’d never have met.”

  He turned to her then, her bare breasts hot and damp against his naked chest. “Don’t you believe it, love. I’m not a superstitious man, but this I know. We’d have come together somewhere, sometime, even without Bess. Some things are meant to be.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5940-2


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